How to overcome fear in the absence of courage?

“Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is being afraid and doing your job in spite of your fear”

We often beat ourselves up for being cowardly and wish, instead, that we could be fearless. We yearn to be like the person who isn’t afraid to switch careers, get out of an abusive relationship, take up a new sport, write a book, or _______________.(You fill in the blank.)

The reality is that fear doesn’t make you a coward. There’s nothing wrong with being afraid. Fear only becomes an issue when it paralyzes you and prevents you from doing something you really want to do.

Wrap your head around the fact that when you move ahead in spite of your fear, you’re actually very brave. In fact, courage isn’t even the issue for people who aren’t afraid. If you’re not afraid, there’s nothing to overcome.

Besides, if you’re not afraid at times, it just means that you’re not stepping out of your comfort zone and living big enough.

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